Condover Cricket Club are proud to announce the launch of our new website, courtesy of the digital marketing agency, Verve.
The club needed a new look and feel with additional functionality to ensure that it can have a focal point for existing members, attract new members and hopefully attract sponsorship too within the community.
The site features the ability to display vital club information and updates clearly and effectively, downloadable membership forms, a news/events section which showcases the locations and times for the clubs events and additionally there are bios for the teams so you can find out all about the people involved in the club.
The main feature of the new site is the calendar, which Verve have built to enable us to to easily update training and specific match schedules/news. This can be a nightmare using more conventional methods, such as email or texts, so it is hoped this will be a much more informative and proactive way of organising our schedules.
Verve built the site for the Condover Cricket Club as part of their program to provide pro bono work for the community. Verve have been supporting projects in the community for a number of years and we are very grateful that they have chosen to support us! We are just one of the projects that the marketing agency chose to support in 2020 with apparently many more projects to look forward to in 2021.
Visit Verve’s site here to find out more about them.